Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Voting for Romney: A Lesson

Found a few awesome quotes on Facebook from people trying to express their views. All of them are compiled below mixed with our stance, to make our position. 

Votes are the only proper and peaceful way to change the laws within our democratic republic. It will take more than votes, certainly, but you can't do it without votes. Romney believes in exceptions due to rape and incest. Obama believes in abortion on demand and late term abortion. I'll take Romney over Obama any day. We can work with Romney. Obama allows abortion on demand!!!! Unseating O is a great beginning to abolishing abortion in U.S. 9/25/2012 NYC schools (13 of them) handed out plan b to students. As young as 14...God doesnt want us to sit on our butts and do nothing!! Vote this clown out! Romney used to be pro-death, and he's not completely on board with being staunchly pro-life, BUT he's a million times better than the so-called man we have now in the White House. 

A few right-wing extremists are even going so far as to harassing others about voting for a 3rd party. Voting third party is ridiculous. We all know what happens when a 3rd party comes into the picture and we all saw what happened the last time a 3rd party member tried to run for President. What a complete, joke. A vote given to someone else is a vote for Obama. Plain and simple. 

Tell me you know the hearts of every candidate, and that voting for a "lesser" of two evils isn't good. Unless you ARE a saint yourself? People need to stop being so self-righteous and learn to add, maybe even learn to Love America and wish to see proper Hope and Change. Yes, we need to pray, fight, speak, adopt, foster, repent, demonstrate the Fathers love & VOTE as part of an overall front on the evil of abortion. There is a movement taking place, slowly - it's happening. Are we there yet? No. Do we lay down the "political" weapon in our arsenal? I think not! Romney has been endorsed by every major pro-life group in the U.S. His record as governor was more pro-life than when Reagan was governor of California. Reagan helped bring about more restrictions against abortion in our entire lifetime! Add, people! Wilberforce did not end the slave trade in one vote, but he did over time, make the slave trade unprofitable. Same is true regarding Lincoln. Lincoln was not strongly against slavery, but he was open to its end. Romney is of the same state of mind as Lincoln it seems. If pro-life legislations comes to Romney, he would vote for it. Obama would not. If you let Obama win by not voting for Romney, you have the blood of more babies on your hands. They would be killings that could have been thwarted with someone ACTUALLY open to life and political issues. Lets get our head on straight here and think of how history has moved people to overcoming great evils.

If you are failing to see these glaring truths from history: think of Wilberforce and Lincoln. They were not perfect. But they helped bring about great injustices. If people did not vote for Lincoln and sat out the election because he wasn't a perfect abolitionist, a southern slave-promoter would have been elected and we may have seen another 80 years of it. This is the scenario we have today. 

Wilberforce, the great abolitionist of Slavery, made many compromises to further the cause of ending slavery. To him, some progress was better than no progress. Had he refused to consider any and all legislation except for a pure bill totally abolishing slavery, he would have accomplished nothing. Instead he was able to eventually destroy slavery in England. It is painfully obvious, of the only two choices we have for president, which one will further the cause for life, and which one will further and accelerate the cause of death. 

While we may not agree with everything Mr. Romney stands for, we agree with much of it. We're electing a leader for many purposes - one of which will be to help shape the abortion travesty. We believe we have to do everything within our power to save a single unborn child. If that means voting for Romney to save all children outside of rape and incest, by your own admission - that's the bulk of the abortions. This by no means stands to be that we are giving "in" to evil. We have 2 options Nov. 6: continuing permitting and even promoting abortion or gradually taking it apart. Doing something is better than nothing; the sooner you learn this - the better.

If you believe that Romney, because he permits certain exceptions to abortion that this is an evil act??? You completely dismiss his positions he holds to. Right on his campaign site, he says he thinks Roe v. Wade should be overturned, that no taxpayer funding should go toward abortion, and that supports cutting off funding to planned parenthood (the largest abortion provider in this country by far). And this is not going in the right direction? Let me ask you as well, would you have voted for Abraham Lincoln? This is what Lincoln said after being elected president, "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. . . . [¶] I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free."[Roy P. Basler, ed. The collected works of Abraham Lincoln (Rutgers U.P., 1953) vol 5 p. 388] 

We think people who claim that voting for Romney is evil - are being flagrantly inconsistent. Romney has taken stronger positions against abortion than Lincoln had during his entire first term of office. Here is something you need to consider: if Obama is reelected, funding DEFINITELY continues for planned parenthood. Any hope of bringing the issue of unborn personhood before the supreme court dies because Obama will be able to appoint more pro-abortion justices.

The other side of this coin is where we disagree. We believe it is our role to elect someone that is open to abortion's end and not strongly fighting to see it continue. There has never been a perfect candidate that has held office in this country. This type of thinking would not have allowed Wilberforce to bring about the end of the slave trade or Lincoln to sign the emancipation proclamation. All political office holders are flawed men. By having Romney in office, when pro-life representatives bring before his desk legislation that works toward ending abortion, you think Romney will not sign it? Or, if Personhood U.S.A. is able to finally have one of the state amendments challenged to the Supreme Court, do you think the declaration of the unborn as persons is more likely or less likely with Romney as president? Remember that Romney has a 100% Pro-Life VP to deal with!

Here's some things to keep in mind about Obama:
Obama voted against the BAIPA *four* times when he was in the Senate. He is for partial-birth abortion. He is against parental notification for minors. He, along with the Democratic platform, is 100% for abortion for any reason (even gender selective abortion) & any time. Completely unrestricted butchering of babies is what we have with Obama as our President. How is this better than a man who YES has changed his mind about abortion and agrees with it in the case of rape/incest? Lets work with him on it. See what he can bring to the table. Look at the bigger picture on all of this. Bottom line is, do you want less babies dismembered by abortion or not? We all want Roe vs Wade overturned but we need to look at the REALISTIC options we have in front of us for who our next president WILL be. 

We do not appreciate nor respect stances against our nations political system. Seems as if those who are against our nations political system don't care about the United Stares of America. Furthermore, the "anti-political" illusion is exposed as high politics as these people continue to beat the subject into the dirt. Abortion is in fact the most important issue in the world but, to as some put it, "refuse to be used" makes these people useless.

We are voting for Mitt Romney not because he was our first choice, but because if we don't- we will guarantee a 100% Anti-Life President who is destroying our country to continue bringing about our demise and continue endorsing the genocide of the unborn to heinous degrees!!! This is the most important election EVER. We guess if you are sitting back on your bum: you're waiting for Jesus Christ to run? It's not about Romney, it's about the survival of the U.S. We will be totally destroyed with 4 more years of Obama.

You should check out how mad NARAL is at Romney for what he's stood for and voted for. Very smart decision to stay tuned to the Pro-Death side of the fence for this reason, only. Check it out here, it's pretty informing and straight to the point!!!!: Click 

Check out the flyer they made: